My internet connection is down right now.. I think it’s a sign that I need to take the time to write a blog entry.. and then maybe after I’m done the internet will come back…
So, how have you guys been ?( ya’ll should really get into the habit of answering.. the questions I write in the comment… It would make my blog a lot more interactive.. ) What have you been up to lately?
I’ve been alright, lets see since my last entry… which was a week and a half ago? I haven’t done anything amazing… I’ve been going to Uni -my exams are coming up soon, no pressure.. just the fact that if I fail them.. I’ll have wasted a semester for Uni … So I guess I should start reviewing for them soon : ) But I won’t fail them… because that would be very non Lorriane of me.. SO all positive thoughts and energy guys!
Last Saturday I went to my roommates concert ( she sings in two different choir, this one was the religious one.. next week it’s the school’s choir concert..) with a few friends, and we all decided to go out afterward… I stopped at the ATM to take out some cash ( since I dislike carrying a lot of cash on me.. because back in the states… I use my debit card everywhere..)
Anyways… Sunday..with the same group of friends.. We had all decided ,way back when we were in venice.. to go visit a nearby lake in Umbria.
Lake Trasimeno and its surrounding lands were once part of the Etruscan domains. Remains of this civilisation are still visible today, particularly in the area around Castiglione del Lago. The area was later colonised by the Romans, who had a profound influence on the lake. With their extraordinary engineering skills, the Romans in fact built the first regulated outlet from the lake to control the water level and avoid flooding. But the clearest traces of past civilisations that remain to us today are from the Middle Ages, when a series of castles and fortified towns sprang up in the surrounding hills. Passignano, Monte del Lago and Castiglione del Lago have all remained virtually intact through the centuries. The remains of two castles survive on the Polvese and Maggiore islands. The manor of Castiglione del Lago is in better condition and is connected via a long covered walkway to the ducal palace of Ascanio della Cornia. -
We also drove to the castle.. through passignano, and Monte del Lago… Some pictures are up under Italy>Lago de trasimeno ! GO check them out!
Oh ..and I’ll put up some new pictures soon.. We had a going away dinner party for a friend from Venezuela last night.. He’s going back on Friday.. Time goes by so fast… honestly.. enjoy each and every day guys… because before you know it.. 20 years will have gone by..
Ps: I’m starting to do some christmas decorations for my apartment this weekend ! got any ideas ? I was thinking.. paper snowflakes, making a 2d christmas three out of green constuction paper… maybe some..paper candy canes? My budget is very small..but I think I can work it out !
Pps: Leave a comment telling me what you want from christmas.. I'm curious to know.!!
AW. What is that map made of, tiles its so cool! I love how you are so educational for all of us to read! Good luck on your exams, i know you can do it! Peace and positivity will see us through!
ReplyDeleteI told Simon i wanted paper snowflakes all over the ceiling (taped with string) as we used to do this in my house as a child (we were really poor)! So can we see yours too (i dunno if he will have time as he is now working making christmas decorations, so hard) also fun is strings of popcorn and crazy paper chains of construction paper (easy to make, just loops and tape).
I try to remember elementary school...
What do YOU want for christmas, are you making your list to send to Claudiane?
Kisses -Lily
good ideas!!
ReplyDeleteIm gonna make paper snowflakes.. and paper chains! I remember those from elementary school too!
whats my brother making ? (ill have to check out his blog ! )
what do I want for Christmas.. umm good question..
I'll answer in Clau's email soon...
but for now.. im thinking.. gifts.. to stock my apartment.. (once i come back to the states..) toasters ? microwave ? pasta strainer , pots and pans ? dishes drainer? lamps ? books are always nice too! ( but.. dont send them to italy.. kept them till Im back ? )
thanks for reading!
(can you email me you guys mailing address.. ?)
Christmas time is flying by already. The elfin is over (the christmas decorations has been for work, not for myslef ), and I'm about to jump on the road for the vacation. This is the first year that I have parcticly nothing planned out for xmas. But I'm sure a little southern moonshine will spark up the Northern hearts.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are ok without money in italia. how's your eating, living? Can I do anything for ya?
We got your list by the way. homemade you say hmmm.
comment you later sis