Adeso ho finito mi examenes , ( I’ve finished my exams..)

Out of the classes I took last semester, I only had to do exams for two of them.. a written exam that included grammar , oral comprehension, reading comprehension, and a written part.. I scored 25/30 (83% ) :) and I had to do an Oral exam a few days later which included a brieft presentation on a cultural aspect of Italy , and an interview ( which basicly ment my teachers could aske me any question.. in and tense.. and I had to answer on the spot.. in the proper tense.. using the proper grammar …) I scored 27/30 ( 90%) Thus.. I had a final average of 87 % … which is decent.. because its more than I needed to keep my GPA more of less the same back in the states… Accordingly I shall be doing C1 (which is the next level up ) next semester!
Per Natale...
I passed christmas eve with a few friends .. and some new people who didn’t want to celebrate Christmas alone… In total we were 6. We cooked a turkey and a mix of vegetables with sauce
..and for desert we had pandore ( which is a typical Italian treat for the holidays ) and of course vino, vino, vino..
I celebrated Christmas day which the same bunch of people, and one other friend of mine.. We did a type of potluck for “lunch” I made “Pâté chinois”
and “bonbon aux patate”
Pictures in my photobucket under italia < Natale
how were ya’ll Christmases???? Leave me a comment telling me how it went down..
nous sa ete tranquille aussi bruch chez gilbert et soupe chez francois ont a beaucoup trop mangé je te sert tres tres fort bisous de nous deux