The EuroChocolate festival ended yesterday (Sunday) but like all the “true” Perugians say… EuroChocolate is a whole bunch of traffic.. By the 2rd day of the festival I had seen every exhibit and passed by every stand… it isn’t all that big… but it causes a WHOLE bunch of unnecessary traffic throughout the center of the city… One can’t even walk through main street without being shoulder to shoulder with someone else.. It made it a bit difficult to walk back from the grocery story with two heavy bags…. I think the greatest thing about it was all the free sample of chocolate.. And their version of Hot Chocolate (which is literally hot melted chocolate.. in a liquid from.. Thick and creamy its delicious.. but I don’t know how anyone could finish more than 5oz of it… it’s so rich..)
But I don’t mean to sound pessimistic..
I spend the rest of we week in and out of classes and becoming more and more independent :-)
On Tuesday I “fast walked” (the action in between walking.. and jogging.. …it’s kind of like walking with a purpose.. is there a better way to word it ? Leave a comment telling me what it is.. if there is.. ) through the upper side of my town.. and I figured out an hour long path through some hills, around the medieval wall and the country side. It’s beautiful.. And it‘s kind of a fun work out.. (I’ve been doing it every other day get in some type of better shape.. :-) )
Then…Every Thursday and Friday my school have projections of random Italian movie.. This Thursday film that I attended was called “Recordati de mi”. It was a pretty decent movie… I think watching movies in Italian and listening to Italian music is the second best way of learning Italian and the culture of Italy. (This best of course is going to Italy and living it! ) So I think I’m pretty fortunate to be living all that I’m living.
As for my weekend…it was pretty relax.. I read 500 pages or so.. of “Atlas Shrugged” ( I’m almost done.. Ayn Rand has an amazing mind. I’m eager to read more of her work) I “cooked” for myself… (I think I’ve figured out how to make a decent pasta sauce.. with very limited supplies.. ) I walked around my town..etc nothing to interesting to blog about.. ((What did you guys do ? leave a comment… ))
Some things I’m looking forward too:
* Going to visit the Perugina ( the chocolate factory I talked about in one of my last post ) on October 28th
* Next Thursday.. or Fridays film ( I haven’t seen the posters for what they are yet.. but its always a fun way to better my italian..)
* Moving out .. And into an apartment ill be sharing with three other girls.. ( yay new experiences! )
* Having the internet in the new apartment
* A trip to Venice and the surrounding island on November 14th-15th
* I’m also planning to go to Piza ( to see the tour of Piza )
content davoir des nouvelles lache pas gros bisous