On Thursday morning.. I helped Maria walk her Giant baggage to the bus station, a whole 24 hour before she actually had to leave the country.. Because there were no other buses that left later that allowed her to make her flight which was leaving at 6 am from the airport in Rome. She was excited to have to in an airport… ( lol I think I’m going to be doing a lot of that during my Eurotrip… between flights.. between trains.. etc.. ) I’m not sure how her flight and everything went since I haven’t heard from here yet.. but I’m sure she’s fine.. she had exams two days after she got back.. Way to smoothly ease back into college there huh ?
oh oh side comment.. before she left maria gave me a bunch of stuff that didn’t fit into her baggage.. including this cute puffy purple winter coat : ) hihi so now I finally have a winter coat!
Time is going by soo fast.. I woke up this morning, realizing that we were already in the middle of February.. and that I had about a month and a half before I’m supposed to be leaving to go on my EUROTRIP… I have to much to do to make it happened… AHHHH I have to:
-figure out a traveling schedule that allows me to visit all the places I want to visit.. with the budget I have…
-Secure a place to sleep for every night I won’t be traveling
- figure out where there’s youth hostels
-figure out what I actually want to do in the cities I’m planning to visit..
- Figure out what’s actually realistic..
-Grrrr so much to do…
If you guys have any advice, recommendation, ideas… that you think could benefit me.. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment bellow.. .
now I must bury my head in my books.. until next time readers…
Love you all xoxox
ps. Happy Valentine’s day to you all